What is Baltimore #TentCity?
Baltimore #TentCity is a grassroots effort, protest, and occupation organized by Baltimore SCLC and joined in solidarity by Baltimore Bloc, Food Not Bombs, 300 Gangsters, Baltimore Free Farm, and other organizations.
What is Tent City?
On Friday, residents of Tent City in front of City Hall expressed some of their concerns and issues. Check them out.
What are our demands?
Why do we need a $2 billion Racial Equity Social Impact Bond? Because white supremacist policies and practices have damaged Black communities and worsened Black health. It is needed to help HEAL the Black Butterfly!
How do we want the $2 billion Racial Equity Social Impact Bond to be allocated?
After the white supremacist terrorist attack in Charlottesville, we forced the mayor to take down Baltimore’s major 4 Confederate monuments. But Confederate SYSTEMS remain! We must do the work to secure Housing First and racial equity in our city!
Follow us on Twitter @BmoreBloc or follow Lawrence for updates and information.